Who is a clinical psychologist?

A clinical psychologist is a specialist who has at least a master’s degree in the field of psychology and a professional certificate of a clinical psychologist. In addition to higher education, mandatory conditions for receiving an invitation are a certain degree of self-improvement in the field of clinical psychology, supervised work for at least a year in a hospital or outpatient department, and passing a professional exam. A clinical psychologist is involved in the evaluation, treatment and prevention of psychological problems, mental and behavioral disorders, as well as dangerous behavior. For this, various proof-of-concept methods of testing and psychotherapy are used, and if necessary, cooperation with the client’s family and support network is carried out. A clinical psychologist is an important member of the team of psychiatrists who, with his knowledge, is involved in both prevention and rehabilitation of mental health problems. A clinical psychologist does not prescribe drugs or make diagnoses – for this, if necessary, he collaborates with a psychiatrist, who often bases his decisions on the results of an assessment conducted by a clinical psychologist.

Dagmar Ainsoo

Clinical psychologist-psychotherapist

Rael Helen Ventsel

Clinical psychologist

What is an initial appointment with a clinical psychologist?

The initial reception of a clinical psychologist includes clarification of the current situation, identification of problems and assessment of the client’s mental state (observation, interview, self-filling of the questionnaire). If necessary, more detailed psychological research is planned (cognitive function research, personality research) and a further action and treatment plan is prepared.

What is a repeated appointment with a clinical psychologist?

Gradual realization of the action plan drawn up at the first meeting, and if necessary, adaptation with the consideration of essential changes that have occurred during this time.

What is an initial remote appointment with a clinical psychologist?

Clarifying mental health status and defining problems online. In the presence of signs of a mental disorder, an intervention plan is drawn up and appropriate evidence-based psychotherapeutic therapies are selected.

What is a clinical psychologist initial appointment with family doctor's fund?

The initial reception of a clinical psychologist includes clarification of the current situation, identification of problems and assessment of the client’s mental state (observation, interview, self-filling of the questionnaire). If necessary, more detailed psychological tests (test of cognitive functions, personality test) are planned and a further action and treatment plan is drawn up.

What is a clinical psychologist repeated appointment with family doctor's fund?

Gradual realization of the action plan drawn up at the first meeting, and if necessary, adaptation with the consideration of essential changes that have occurred during this time. Arrival on the basis of directions from the family doctor’s therapeutic fund.

What is a study of cognitive function?

During the study of cognitive functions, a clinical interview is conducted to identify problems and various cognitive or mental abilities of a person are evaluated: memory, perception, attention, speed of information processing, visual-spatial thinking, planning skills, ability to reason. , и т. d. The research helps to identify cognitive problems and features that can affect a person’s daily life, and is necessary information for determining diagnosis and treatment. Common reasons for assessing cognitive abilities include, for example, suspicion of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), memory problems, mental retardation (BDR) or dementia. Оценку проводит clinical psychologist. The client receives a written resume of research. If you wish, you can purchase an additional exit for the return trip.

What is a feedback from personality survey and/or cognitive function study?

Get feedback on the previously conducted survey and explain the results

What is a personality survey?

Исследование личности помогает выявить модели поведения, которые заставляют человека одинаково жестко реагировать в различных личных и социальных ситуациях, мешают справляться с жизнью и создают трудности для себя и/или своих близких. Результаты личностного теста помогают распознать проблемы и лучше понять себя, являются опорой для принятия диагностических решений (в том числе определения наличия расстройства личности), а также планирования и проведения последующей психотерапии. Для оценки личностных качеств используются клиническое интервью, различные самоадаптивные тесты, а также структурированные или полуструктурированные интервью (например, STiP-5.1). Оценку проводит клинический психолог. Клиент получает письменное резюме исследования. При желании можно приобрести дополнительный выезд для обратной связи.

What is a psychological complex survey?

Both a person’s cognitive ability and his personality traits are studied