We notice and intervene

Vaimse Tervise Keskus OÜ –  our goal is the early detection, prevention and treatment of problems with mental health.

Change in funding for clinical psychology services as of July 1, 2024

We would like to inform you that it is possible to register for the service “Initial appointment of a clinical psychologist with a referral from a family doctor” until 30.06.2024 inclusive.

As of 01.07.2024, Mental Health Centre OÜ is not a contractual partner of the Health Insurance Fund.

Clients who have registered for the service earlier than 01.07.2024 can use their referral at the Mental Health Centre until 30.09.2024.

The services of clinical psychologists can be contacted in the future according to the price list: Price list Price list – Vaimse tervise keskus

If you have any questions, you can always contact the staff of our center or directly your clinical psychologist.


We offer cognitive-behavioral therapy and family therapy, which are evidence-based and recognized interventions.

Psychiatrist's appointment

Our psychiatrists help you with finding the diagnosis and suitable treatment plan.

Consultation with a clinical psychologist with a referral from a family physician

If you have a referral from your family physician as part of the therapy fund, the co-payment for the first visit is €80 and €60 for each subsequent visit.

Cooperation with Eesti Töötukassa

Eesti Töötukassa offers counselling services for people who have registered as unemployed and to emloyee who have received a redundancy notice. If you want to go to a meeting with an advisor, tell this to your consultant who will introduce you to the service in greater detail and will, if necessary, direct you to the service.

If you want to come to consulation please contact us via e-mail: info@vaimsetervisekeskus.ee

Cooperation with Sotsiaalkindlustusamet. Victim Support

Contact victim support if you or someone close to you has been a victim of mistreatment, physical, mental, sexual or cyber violence. You can contact victim support even if you have seen how someone else has been mistreated or an accident has occurred.

Contact details of victim support workers: Ohvriabi | Sotsiaalkindlustusamet

Our story

The Mental Health Centre was funded to promote people’s mental health and to help find answers and solutions to questions. Our specialists are empathetic and supportive and we also involve other specialists where needed to find the best solutions. We approach each client individually and guarantee professional help.
By visiting a psychologist regularly, your quality of life and well-being improve.

Our services

Our actions and reputation are supported by evidence-based interventions, continuous self-development, and a professional and motivated team.

Psychological counselling

Psychological counselling is intended to support a person when difficulties in life arise. At the appointment, you can discuss any tensions and difficult situations in your life that make you feel uneasy and cause strong negative emotions. 


Virtual counselling

In essence, virtual psychological counselling is the same as regular psychological counselling. The main difference is that the meeting between the psychologist and the client does not take place at a physical address and in an office together, but online (via Teams, Zoom, etc.)


Business consulting

We approach each company individually based on your needs and current situation. With our help, people’s awareness of mental health increases and, if necessary, they are able to help themselves and notice mental health problems in their loved ones as well. 


You are always welcome!

If you want to book an appointment, press the ‘Booking’ button and choose the relevant service.

If you have any questions, write to us at info@vaimsetervisekeskus.ee